Office (Indonesia)
Institut TeknologiBandung, only 3 monthsin Engineering Physics Dept. | |
University of BritishColumbia, 1 and a halfmonth of english course | |
University of Manitoba,doing my 1st yr undergraduate in Faculty of Science | |
McMaster University,finishing my bachelor degree, BEng. in Engineering Physics | |
Universitas Indonesia,1 month of short meteorology course | |
RASC- Kyoto University, 1month of LAN and boundary layer radar data analysis training | |
IHAS - NagoyaUniversity, 2 years ofmaster program, MSc. in Earth and Planatery Science | |
MaxPlanck Institut fur Meteorologie,5 months as visiting scientist, and continue with PhD course. This Instituteis affiliated with Universitat Hamburg | |
Universitat Hamburg,where I did my doctorate degree until July 2003 |